Replacement Scars by Christopher S. Bell
Shorter hair now like right before the divorce when he barely noticed the highlights.
i heard that sandy unzipped by Christine Tierney
i heard that sandy unzipped
her face
right when she got to ma’s.
Poems by Dan Sicoli
what to do when the neighbors put up a for sale sign
1. toast them with daiquiris. remember although you may think of them as friends, you were neighbors first. all relationships end.
nickel on the table by Anthony Liccione
suicide sound
sickly good
about now,
but what stops is
The Motherwell Estate by Lisa Golightly Braden
I picture him traversing the space what had once been rooms now wiped out
Christmas Island by Robin Vigfusson
Jack and Amy Platon had parked next to a schoolyard where red crabs rippled like a river blown by the wind.
The Untranslated Section by Ben Roth
The signal was detected in mid-September. Statistical analyses of its patterns immediately suggested it was non-natural.
Sonnet for Blindness by Paul Ilechko
The tracks we followed had barely left the station
through the frost of morning…