Poems by Dennis Herrell


Back in our day
we had no regret
eating salmon croquette
in a way
we thought distingué
and not like the common man—
as we would play
to be a gourmet
who ate salmon fillet
from a can.

Stay at Home

Robins are
maybe not forgetful
about rituals of migrating
to warmer clime upon first frost,
but perhaps stubborn
and a bit in denial about any change
to home and lifestyles,
confident about changing their menu
going for winter fruit and berries,
and not grubbing around
for disappearing worms and insects;
all the while altering their wardrobe
by fledging weather-resistant garments
in the form of warm and downy feathers,
and for company
gather in large flocks of male brotherhood
all determined to do it their way.

Summer’s End

Summer is dead
not died aborning,
but from eating
too much heat;
not taking care
to drink sky water,
all its nature
dying by fire;
lacking the shade
of timbered trees,
it gathered up
all its dust
in one last gasp.

Dennis Herrell is by nature a people watcher, and curious about other inhabitants of our earth. He is a city person who is a nature lover, and amazed by its beauty, its diversity, and unpredictable and powerful fury. We live with people and nature, but in all reality cannot control either. So, he enjoys what he can, does what he can, and writes what he can. 7 books and some e chapbooks.


Ghost Stories by Chris Palmer


Replacement Scars by Christopher S. Bell